
Continuous вñ ðµð¼ñ Ðð¾ñ‚ð¾ñ ð¾ðµ уðð°ð·ñ‹ð²ð°ðµñ‚ Ñ‚ð¾ñ‡ð½ð¾ðµ вñ ðµð¼ñ

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Staff Member

    /* Objective(s) - -    This code demonstrates the usage of Procedural File IO -    This code imports the Stock Item Data i.e., Name, Group and Units from either     Excel or Text using File IO capability and subsequently displays an error report     as well as opens a logged file on request   Capabilities Used - -    List/Compound Variables -    User Defined Functions -    Collections with Variables as its Data Source -    File IO (Read/Write) Capability   Dependencies -   -    Data files 'Text' &/or 'Excel'   */   [#Menu    : Gateway of Tally] Add    : Key Item    : After    : @@LocDisplay: Import Stock Items            : I : Execute    : SMPL Import Config     [Function: SMPL Import Stock Items]       Variable        : Row            : Number    : 1     Variable        : Temp Var        : String     Variable        : Last Status    : String     Variable        : Counter        : Number    : 1       Variable        : Item Columns     List Variable    : Item Details, Item Import Status       00    : QUERY BOX    : "Import Stock Items"        : Yes    : No     10    : IF    : $$LastResult     20    :    IF    : ##SMPLSICSource = "Excel"     30    :        OPEN FILE: @@SMPLTotFilePath    : Excel    : READ     40    :    ELSE    :     50    :        OPEN FILE: @@SMPLTotFilePath    : Text    : READ     60    :    ENDIF       70    :    SET        : ItemColumns.ItemName    : @@SMPLItemNameColIdx     80    :    SET        : ItemColumns.ItemGrp    : @@SMPLItemGrpColIdx     90    :    SET        : ItemColumns.ItemUOM    : @@SMPLItemUOMColIdx       100    :    IF    : ##SMPLSICSource = "Excel"     110    :        SET        : Row    : if ##SMPLSICIncHeader then 2 else 1   ;; Reading from Excel File and updating to List     120    :        WHILE    : NOT $$IsEmpty:($$FileReadCell:##Row:##ItemColumns.ItemName)     130    :            LIST ADD EX    : Item Details     140    :            SET            : ItemDetails[$$LoopIndex].ItemName    : $$FileReadCell:##Row:##ItemColumns.ItemName     150    :            SET            : ItemDetails[$$LoopIndex].ItemGrp    : $$FileReadCell:##Row:##ItemColumns.ItemGrp     160    :            SET            : ItemDetails[$$LoopIndex].ItemUOM    : $$FileReadCell:##Row:##ItemColumns.ItemUOM     170    :            INCREMENT    : Row     180    :        END WHILE       190    :    ELSE:   ;; Reading from Text File and updating to List     200    :        SET        : Counter    : 1     210    :        WHILE    : NOT $$FileIsEOF     220    :            SET        : Temp Var        : $$FileRead     230    :            IF        : NOT $$IsEmpty:##TempVar AND (NOT ##SMPLSICIncHeader OR (##SMPLSICIncHeader AND $$LoopIndex > 1))     240    :                LIST ADD EX    : Item Details     250    :                SET            : ItemDetails[##Counter].ItemName    : $$SMPLSICExtractDet:##TempVar:##ItemColumns.ItemName     260    :                SET            : ItemDetails[##Counter].ItemGrp    : $$SMPLSICExtractDet:##TempVar:##ItemColumns.ItemGrp     270    :                SET            : ItemDetails[##Counter].ItemUOM    : $$SMPLSICExtractDet:##TempVar:##ItemColumns.ItemUOM     280    :                INCREMENT    : Counter     290    :            ENDIF     300    :        END WHILE       310    :    ENDIF     320    :    CLOSE FILE       330    :    IF    : ##SMPLSICOpenLogFile     340    :        OPEN FILE        : @@SMPLErrorFilePath    : Text    : WRITE    : ASCII     350    :        TRUNCATE FILE     360    :    ENDIF       370    :    SET        : Counter    : 1   ;; Creating Stock Items from List of Compound Variable     380    :    WALK COLLECTION    : SMPL Imp StockItem Summ     390    :        SET        : Last Status    : ""       391    :        IF    : $$IsRemoteCompany     392    :            CALL    : SMPL Fetch Objects     393    :        ENDIF       400    :        IF        : $$IsEmpty:$Name:StockItem:$SICStockItem     410    :            NEW OBJECT        : Stock Item     420    :            SET VALUE        : Name    : $SICStockItem       430    :            IF    : NOT $$IsEmpty:$Name:StockGroup:$SICStockGroup       440    :                SET VALUE    : Parent    : $SICStockGroup     450    :            ELSE:     460    :                SET            : LastStatus: "Group " + $SICStockGroup + " does not exist"     470    :            ENDIF       480    :            IF    : NOT $$IsEmpty:$Symbol:Unit:$SICStockUOM     490    :                SET VALUE    : Base Units    : $SICStockUOM     500    :            ELSE:     510    :                SET            : LastStatus    : "Unit " + $SICStockUOM + " does not exist"     520    :            ENDIF     530    :            IF    : $$IsEmpty:##LastStatus     540    :                SAVE TARGET     550    :                SET            : Last Status    : "Imported Successfully"     560    :            ENDIF     570    :        ENDIF     575    :        IF    : $$IsEmpty:##LastStatus     576    :            SET        : Last Status    : "Item already exists"     577    :        ENDIF ;; Writing Import Status to the LOG File if LOG File is to be displayed at the end     580    :        IF    : ##SMPLSICOpenLogFile     590    :            WRITE FILE LINE    : $SICStockItem + ##SMPLSICTextSep + ##LastStatus     600    :        ENDIF   ;; Updating List of Compound Variables is Status is to be displayed in a Report     610    :        IF    : ##SMPLSICDisplayReport     620    :            LIST ADD EX        : ItemImportStatus     630    :            SET                : ItemImportStatus[##Counter].ItemName    : $SICStockItem     640    :            SET                : ItemImportStatus[##Counter].Status    : ##LastStatus     650    :            INCREMENT        : Counter     660    :        ENDIF       670    :    END WALK ;;    680    :    CLOSE TARGET FILE   ;; Display Error Report from the List of Compound Variables 'ItemImportStatus'     690    :    IF    : ##SMPLSICDisplayReport     700    :        DISPLAY            : SMPL SIC Error Report     710    :    ENDIF   ;; Open the LOG File     720    :    IF    : ##SMPLSICOpenLogFile     730    :        EXEC COMMAND    : @@SMPLErrorFilePath     740    :    ENDIF     750    : ENDIF   [Collection: SMPL Imp StockItem]    ;; Collection using List of Compound Variable       Data Source            : Variable            : Item Details   [Collection: SMPL Imp StockItem Summ]       Source Collection    : SMPLImpStockItem     By                    : SICStockItem        : $ItemName     By                    : SICStockGroup        : $ItemGrp     By                    : SICStockUOM        : $ItemUOM     Filter                : SMPL NonEmpty Item     Client Only            : Yes   [System: Formula]       SMPL NonEmpty Item    : NOT $$IsEmpty:$SICStockItem       SMPL Folder Path    : if $$SMPLEndsWithSlash:##SMPLSICDirPath then ##SMPLSICDirPath else ##SMPLSICDirPath + "\"     SMPL File Name        : ##SMPLSICFilePath     SMPL File Ext        : if $$SMPLSymbolExistsinFileName:##SMPLSICFileExt then ##SMPLSICFileExt else "." + ##SMPLSICFileExt       SMPL TotFilePath    : @@SMPLFolderPath + @@SMPLFileName + @@SMPLFileExt       SMPL ItemNameColIdx    : if $$Number:##SMPLSICItemName = 0 then $$FileGetColumnIdx:##SMPLSICItemName else ##SMPLSICItemName     SMPL ItemGrpColIdx    : if $$Number:##SMPLSICItemGroup = 0 then $$FileGetColumnIdx:##SMPLSICItemGroup else ##SMPLSICItemGroup     SMPL ItemUOMColIdx    : if $$Number:##SMPLSICItemUOM = 0 then $$FileGetColumnIdx:##SMPLSICItemUOM else ##SMPLSICItemUOM       SMPL Error File Path: @@SMPLFolderPath + @@SMPLFileName + ".LOG"   ;; Functions   [Function: SMPL Fetch Objects]       Fetch Object: Stock Item    : $SICStockItem    : $Name     Fetch Object: Stock Group    : $SICStockGroup: $Name     Fetch Object: Unit            : $SICStockUOM    : $Symbol   [Function: SMPL SIC Extract Det]       Parameter    : pValue    : String     Parameter    : pIndex    : Number       Variable    : Counter    : Number    : 1       00    : FOR TOKEN    : TokenVar    : ##pValue    : ##SMPLSICTextSep     10    :    IF    : ##Counter = ##pIndex     20    :        RETURN    : ##TokenVar     30    :    ENDIF     40    :    INCREMENT    : Counter     50    : END FOR   ;; Compound Variable Declaration   [Variable: Item Columns]       Variable    : Item Name, Item Grp, Item UOM        : Number   [Variable: Item Details]       Variable    : Item Name, Item Grp, Item UOM        : String   [Variable: Item Import Status]       Variable    : Item Name, Status                    : String   ;; Import Configuration   [Report: SMPL Import Config]    ;; Report Definition invoking Import of Stock Items       Form        : SMPL Import Config     Title        : $$LocaleString:"Import Configuration"   [Form: SMPL Import Config]       Parts      : SMPL Import Config Driver Info, SMPL Import Config Column Info, SMPL Import Config Other Info     Full Width  : No     Space Right : 2     Space Left  : 2     No confirm  : Yes     Option      : Small Size Form     Background  : @@SV_CMPCONFIG       On: Form Accept    : Yes    : Form Accept     On: Form Accept    : Yes    : Call        : SMPL Import Stock Items   [Part: SMPL Import Config Driver Info]       Lines        : Form SubTitle, SMPL SIC Source, SMPL SIC DirInfo, SMPL SIC FileInfo, SMPL SIC FileExtension, SMPL SIC SheetInfo     Local: Field: Form SubTitle    : Info        : $$LocaleString:"File Information"     Local: Line    : Form SubTitle    : Space Top    : 1     Local: Field: Name Field    : Width        : 25% Page       [Line: SMPL SIC Source]           Fields        : Medium Prompt, Name Field         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Import Source :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC Source    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC Source         Local: Field: Name Field    : Table        : SMPL SIC Source         Local: Field: Name Field    : Show Table: Always           [Table: SMPL SIC Source]               List Name    : "Text", "Excel"             Title        : "Source"       [Line: SMPL SIC DirInfo]           Fields        : Medium Prompt, Name Field         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Location of File:"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC DirPath    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC DirPath         Local: Field: Name Field    : Max        : 120       [Line: SMPL SIC FileInfo]           Use            : SMPL SIC DirInfo         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "File Name:"         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Indent    : 1         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC FilePath    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC FilePath         Local: Field: Name Field    : Control    : SMPL NoExt: $$SMPLSymbolExistsinFileName:$$Value       [Line: SMPL SIC FileExtension]           Use            : SMPL SIC DirInfo         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "File Extension:"         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Indent    : 1         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC FileExt    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC FileExt         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set As    : if (##SMPLSICSource = "Excel" AND NOT ##SMPLSICFileExt CONTAINS "xls") then "xls" else if (##SMPLSICSource = "Text" AND ##SMPLSICFileExt CONTAINS "xls") then "txt" else ##SMPLSICFileExt         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set Always: Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Case        : Normal       [Line: SMPL SIC SheetInfo]           Use            : SMPL SIC DirInfo           Local: Field: Default        : Inactive    : NOT ##SMPLSICSource = "Excel"           Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Sheet Name (Excel):"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set As    : if $$IsEmpty:$$Value then "Stock Items" else ##SMPLSICTableName         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC TableName : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC TableName   [Part: SMPL Import Config Column Info]       Lines        : Form SubTitle, SMPL SIC Inc Header, SMPL SIC Item Name, SMPL SIC Item Group, SMPL SIC Item UOM, SMPL SIC Text Sep     Local: Field: Form SubTitle    : Info        : $$LocaleString:"Column for the following (A, B, C or 1, 2, 3)"     Local: Line    : Form SubTitle        : Space Top    : 1     Local: Field: Name Field        : Set Always: Yes       [Line: SMPL SIC Inc Header]           Use            : SMPL SIC DirInfo         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Includes Header Info :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC IncHeader    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC IncHeader         Local: Field: Name Field    : Width        : @@LogicalWidth         Local: Field: Name Field    : Table        : YesNoTable       [Line: SMPL SIC Item Name]           Use            : SMPL SIC DirInfo         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Stock Item Name :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC ItemName : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC ItemName         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set As    : if ##SMPLSICSource = "Text" AND $$Number:##SMPLSICItemName = 0 then "1" else ##SMPLSICItemName           Option        : SMPL SIC Item Name Max           [!Line: SMPL SIC Item Name Max]               Local: Field: Name Field    : Maximum    : 1             Local: Field: Name Field    : Width        : 2       [Line: SMPL SIC Item Group]           Use            : SMPL SIC Item Name         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Under Group :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC ItemGroup    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC ItemGroup         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set As    : if ##SMPLSICSource = "Text" AND $$Number:##SMPLSICItemGroup = 0 then "2" else ##SMPLSICItemGroup         Local: Field: Name Field    : Control    : Duplicate Entry    : $$Value = ##SMPLSICItemName           Option        : SMPL SIC Item Name Max       [Line: SMPL SIC Item UOM]           Use            : SMPL SIC Item Name         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Units of Measure :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC ItemUOM    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC ItemUOM         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set As    : if ##SMPLSICSource = "Text" AND $$Number:##SMPLSICItemUOM = 0 then "3" else ##SMPLSICItemUOM         Local: Field: Name Field    : Control    : Duplicate Entry    : $$Value = ##SMPLSICItemName OR $$Value = ##SMPLSICItemGroup           Option        : SMPL SIC Item Name Max       [Line: SMPL SIC Text Sep]           Use            : SMPL SIC Item Name           Local: Field: Default        : Inactive    : NOT ##SMPLSICSource = "Text"           Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Text Separator Character :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC TextSep    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC TextSep         Local: Field: Name Field    : Set As    : if ##SMPLSICSource = "Text" then ##SMPLSICTextSep else ""   [Part: SMPL Import Config Other Info]       Lines        : Form SubTitle, SMPL SIC Display Report, SMPL SIC Open Log File     Local: Field: Form SubTitle : Info        : $$LocaleString:"Other Information"     Local: Line    : Form SubTitle    : Space Top    : 1       [Line: SMPL SIC Display Report]           Use            : SMPL SIC Dir Info         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Display Error Report, if any :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC DisplayReport : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC DisplayReport         Local: Field: Name Field    : Table        : YesNoTable         Local: Field: Name Field    : Width        : @@LogicalWidth       [Line: SMPL SIC Open Log File]           Use            : SMPL SIC Display Report         Local: Field: Medium Prompt    : Set As    : "Open Log File Error, if any :"         Local: Field: Name Field    : Modifies    : SMPL SIC Open Log File    : Yes         Local: Field: Name Field    : Variable    : SMPL SIC Open Log File         Local: Field: Name Field    : Table        : YesNoTable         Local: Field: Name Field    : Width        : @@LogicalWidth   ;; Function Definition   [Function: SMPL SymbolExistsinFileName]       Parameter    : pValue    : String     Parameter    : pSymbol    : String    : "."       Variable    : TempVar    : String       00    : FOR RANGE    : IteratorVar    : Number    : ($$StringLength:##pValue)    : 0    : 1     10    :    SET        : TempVar        : $$StringPart:##pValue:##IteratorVar:1     20    :    IF        : $$ExactMatch:##TempVar:##pSymbol     30    :        RETURN    : True     40    :    ENDIF     50    : END FOR   [Function: SMPL EndsWithSlash]       Parameter    : pValue    : String       Variable    : TempNo    : Number     Variable    : TempVar    : String       00    : SET    : TempNo    : $$StringLength:##pValue - 1     10    : SET    : TempVar    : $$StringPart:##pValue:##TempNo:1     20    : IF    : ##TempVar = "\"     30    :    RETURN    : True     40    : ELSE    :     50    :    RETURN    : False     60    : ENDIF   ;; Variable and Formulae   [System: Formula]       SMPL NoExt        : "Please do not enter \n File Extension"   [System: Variable]       SMPL SICSource            : "Excel"     SMPL SICDirPath            : "C:\Tally.ERP9\FileIOData"     SMPL SICFilePath        : "ListofStockItems"     SMPL SICFileExt            : ".xls"     SMPL SICTableName        : "Stock Items"       SMPL SICIncHeader        : Yes     SMPL SICItemName        : "A"     SMPL SICItemGroup        : "B"     SMPL SICItemUOM            : "C"     SMPL SICTextSep            : ","       SMPL SICDisplayReport    : Yes     SMPL SICOpen Log File    : No   [Variable: SMPL SIC Source]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC DirPath]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC FilePath]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC FileExt]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC TableName]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes     [Variable: SMPL SIC IncHeader]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC ItemName]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC ItemGroup]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC ItemUOM]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC TextSep]       Type        : String     Persistent    : Yes     [Variable: SMPL SIC DisplayReport]       Type        : Logical     Persistent    : Yes   [Variable: SMPL SIC OpenLogFile]       Type        : Logical     Persistent    : Yes   ;; Import Error Report   [Report: SMPL SIC Error Report]       Form    : SMPL SIC Error Report     Title    : "Import Status"   [Form: SMPL SIC Error Report]       Parts    : Form Subtitle, SMPL SIC Error Report     Local    : Field    : Form SubTitle        : Info    : "Status of Stock Item import"   [Part: SMPL SIC Error Report]       Lines            : SMPL SIC Error Title, SMPL SIC Error Details     Repeat            : SMPL SIC Error Details    : SMPL SIC LOGVarColl Summ     Scroll            : Vertical     Common Border    : Yes       [Line: SMPL SIC Error Title]           Use            : SMPL SIC Error Details         Local: Field: Default                    : Style        : Normal Bold         Local: Field: Default                    : Align        : Centre           Local: Field: SMPL SIC Error Item    : Set As    : "Particulars"         Local: Field: SMPL SIC Error Status    : Set As    : "Status"         Border        : Thin Top Bottom       [Line: SMPL SIC Error Details]           Fields        : SMPL SIC Error Item         Right Fields: SMPL SIC Error Status         Option        : SMPL SIC Success    : $SICStatus CONTAINS "Imported Successfully" OR $SICStatus CONTAINS "Item already exists"           [!Line: SMPL SIC Success]               Local    : Field    : Default    : Style    : Normal Italic           [Field: SMPL SIC Error Item]               Use            : Name Field             Set As        : $SICStockItem             FullWidth    : Yes           [Field: SMPL SIC Error Status]               Use            : Name Field             Set As        : $SICStatus             Border        : Thin Left             Width        : 50% Page   [Collection: SMPL SIC LOGVarColl]       Data Source            : Variable        : Item Import Status     [Collection: SMPL SIC LOGVarColl Summ]       Source Collection    : SMPL SIC LOGVarColl     By                    : SICStockItem    : $ItemName     By                    : SICStatus        : $Status     Keep Source            : ().     Filter                : SMPL NonEmpty Item     Client Only            : Yes   ;; End-of-File                        

  2. i try to same gode.But part no not import.please find and guide me my attach file.

    Attached Files:

  3. Dear sir,
    we need to import Std rate from excel. how it is possiple. al other fields are import correctly. but std rate only not import.

  4. Sir need to stok item master import all fields for example item name, unit,batch, std rate,qty.

  5. sir i want to import also Openinig balance can u help me?.

  6. Dear Sir,

    If I want to fetch alias,Opening Quntity and Part no also along with Name ,Group and UOM then what changes shoul I Make in the same code.Please help

  7. Dear Administrator

    Kindly help in barcode Printing in Purchase or else already done share it

  8. HI this is import stockitem from excel to Tally all fields in stockItem...

    also create a templates also i think it's so useful...

    we can import stockitem totals details from excel to tally.... using this TDL

    Attached Files:

  9. Can We update Stock item Name of particular stock item by Part Number (which is already entered for that stock item).

  10. Pl

    Please attach the tcp file.

  11. Thank you Mr. Narasimhulu Devalam i try to this tdl but i am not get any import. how to do this tdl kindly help me
    i attached main.tdl in my tally and in tdl file i changed xls path also but i am not getting anything (rel 4.9)

  12. [#Menu: Gatewayoftally]


    Height:40% page
    Width:30% page

    Repeat:User_Details:CmpUser List

    Space Bottom:2

    Use:Name Field
    Set as: "USER NAME "

    Use:Name Field
    Set as:"PASSWORD "


    Use:Name Field
    Set as:$$cmpusername

    Use:Name Field
    Set as:$OwnerPassword:Company:##SVCurrentCompany


    Use:Name Field
    Set as:$Name

    Use:Name Field
    Set as:$password

    [#Collection:Cmp User list]
    Is ODBC Table:Yes

  13. Please do not share TDL's for Password Recovery.

  14. Hello sir,
    It is possible to display password without entering into the company, And can you tell me how to get lost tally vault password

  15. how can we find vault password? and normal security admin username and password without entering into company

  16. Hello sir, if it is possible then you can provide the details process

  17. The Recovery of Password comes under Cyber Crime .

  18. how to import bank vouchers from excel, please help

  19. Dear All the tdl maste,,
    i want to import simple excel to tally,( master) , please sir give me a excel sheet with source code ..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2015

  20. Dear Vyadav find correct code....

    Attached Files:

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